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Get to know us!

Our story

We are a group of experts lead by Alex Tzortzopoulos.


We are active 3rd party auditors with broad & in depth experience in shipping-ship management, products & service companies.


We have long working experience on the fields we talk about. As managers or as auditors.

With hundreds of assignments all over the world we have been exposed to multinational, multicultural and multi-skilled environments and therefore gained management system mastery.


We consult, mentor, audit, train people and companies in a variety of fields under a strict code of confidentiality.

Our Goals

1. To upgrade & mentor people
2. Support existing teams
3. Organizational Development
4. Confidential & discreet top management counseling
5. Assist company achievements

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Why choose us?

Why choose us?
Best solution for shipping!
We have long working experience in shipping and ship management companies.

Best choice for your company!
We consult, mentor, audit, train people and companies.

Let’s work together!
Our client’s interests always come first as our success depends crucially on our ability to serve our clients in the most efficient way.